Relocating can be an incredible boon to companies. This can make a business grow at a faster rate while making a good profit. But relocating a business means there are a lot of challenges to face and the biggest one is not to lose your customers. You need to make every possible effort to reduce the downtime of your office while retaining your clients with you. So, before you start your search for one of the best moving companies near me to start your relocation process, be sure you have a full-proof plan that this relocation won’t affect your business negatively. If you are looking for some tips then check out these:
Update your website first
It is important to update the address in advance at all the important places. Check the pages “contact us” and “about us” on your website and it should have the latest address of your office. If there is an address mentioned at the header and footer of the website then don’t forget to update it from there as well. Your website is the face of your business therefore it should always be updated with the latest content and during the office relocation, update it before the move takes place. This will keep your customers get informed about your office move.
Plan everything before execution
Strategic planning is the basic requirement of moving without losing your customers. Start your planning months before the actual move takes place. To minimize the downtime, be sure you stay well organized. Relocation is a big task so divide duties among several people and make sure you supervise and pay attention to everything.
Hire professional movers
You can’t take much time to relocate your office because it can make you lose productivity for a longer duration. If you do so, you will also lose your customers. So to focus on your business and to ensure that the relocation can take place as soon as possible, it is great to hire professional movers. When hiring professionals, be sure you are dealing with the right organization because these days, there are a lot of scammers present there who pretend to be the professional movers but in actuality, they are not.
Communicate with customers
Tell or inform your customers as soon as possible regarding this decision of moving. There are multiple channels like your website, social media and so through which you can inform them. Let them know ahead of time and also provide the information when the relocation is going to happen and when you won’t be able to offer services.
Look for the new customers
When you relocate your business to a new space then you will be able to access more clients or customers your business and you should not lose this opportunity to connect with the new clients.
Keep employees informed
Employees play an important role in completing the relocation task therefore you need to keep them informed of the latest schedules and responsibilities that they have to handle when embarking on a relocation mission. Keep the clients in the loop so that there is a reduction in service interruptions.
Avoid relocation during your business peak season
You should prepare the schedule of moving in a way so that it is not the peak time of your business. When it is the lowest time and fewer people require your services or products only then you should choose to relocate. Establish the key dates after planning everything which include dates of lease termination, start and the finishing date of the new office, and also the dates regarding the move such as move in and move out date.
Wrapping it all up!!!
Moving is hard and when you have to relocate your business then it becomes even harder as it involves more tasks to do with more people associated with the process. Also, it comes with the risk of losing your customer base and disrupting your business. Your clients are the lifeline of your business so you have to ensure that they remain with you. The best way is to focus entirely on your business and let the professionals do the moving-related tasks. Use the above tips so that you can keep your company in operable condition.