Renovate or move; that is an age-old dilemma for homeowners. You can always turn a standard house into your dream house but great properties in highly desired residential areas can be hard to come by.  

If you did decide to sell your house fast, to companies like Open Property Group, you can avoid paying legal fees, estate agent fees and clearance costs. Instead, you’ll be able to sell for cash quickly, and relocate. The latest data indicates that the UK property market, in 2022, will be “less frenetic..but still busy” 

Plan your renovation from start to finish

When making the leap into the world of property renovation, the more you plan, the better. It will help you overcome any obstacles you might face with contractors, timings and design. More importantly, it’ll ensure your project keeps on track and on budget.  

Plan on a room-by-room basis. Think about how all the elements fit together to make sure it matches your overall vision. 

Budget, budget, budget

Feel free to dream big, but be mindful that unexpected costs are common in the world of property renovation. Have a think about your wish list and budget accordingly (and realistically). You might be tempted by some of the latest home automation, but be mindful of any additional costs that might be associated such as maintenance and subscription sign-ups. 

Renovation’s can add value to your property

Renovating your home is all about adapting your existing living space to suit the needs of your career, lifestyle and family life. If you make the right renovation decisions, you’re likely to see your property value increase. 

Even the simplest of home renovation tips (painting, new lighting, off-the-shelf decor) can add the much-needed value if you’re looking to sell. When you decide to renovate your home, be prepared for the challenges but remember that it will all be worth it to get the home of your dreams. 

Emily Bennet