As a rule of thumb, you generally want to be cautious about making any major updates to your home if you are even thinking about selling it in the near future, because you may not even recoup the money you spent, let alone see your home increase in value. There are, however, some exceptions to this guideline and energy-saving improvements often fall into them since everyone appreciates lower household bills. With that in mind, the team at Denton estate agents Indlu have put some suggestions as to improvements you could make and what impact they might have.

Basic draft proofing

This isn’t just recommended, it’s pretty much mandatory. Sealing up the gaps around windows, loft hatches, fitting and pipe work as well as under doors will not only lower your energy bills and make your home a pleasanter place to live, but also stop any potential buyers from forming a poor impression of your home-maintenance standards which may put them off the property.

Loft insulation

This is also pretty close to mandatory and the good news is that for the most part it should be a fairly easy win. Insulation is very affordable and straightforward to install. Even if you ask someone to install it for you, it should still be an economical upgrade.

Updating old boilers

Old boilers are a hassle to replace and they are very much occasional (read investment) purchases, so buyers are very likely to appreciate you taking care of this matter for them, especially since the state (and age) of the boiler can make a real difference to how well (read economically) it runs.

If you are on a tight budget and you are selling your house at a time when a buyer would be expected to move in during the warmer months, then you may prefer to pass on this upgrade, but if you do you will have to be realistic that while an old boiler may not stop someone from making an offer on your home, a buyer will take the need for an upgrade into consideration when deciding how much to offer and they may factor in not only the likely cost of a new boiler (plus installation) but also the inconvenience it will cause them to have to manage the replacement process.

If you are planning on selling your home at a time when a buyer would be expected to move in during the colder months, then an old boiler could be much more of a sticking point.

Replacing old windows

Similar comments apply to updating old windows and arguably even more so since windows also play a role in how good a house looks and how safe it is. If you are really on a tight budget and/or just want to sell the house as quickly and with as little effort as possible (e.g. a probate sale), then you may wish to stick to making sure that the glass is sitting tightly in the frame, which can be achieved with putty or insulating tape. As with old boilers, however, you will need to be realistic about the effect this will have on the sales price.

For more information on selling your home or for a free online property valuation, please contact Indlu.

Elliot Preece