Are you hoping to increase the value of your home, but conscious of the impact this may have on the environment? With more consideration for climate change around the globe, so many individuals are now doing their bit to save the planet. It has never been more important to keep things green. So, just what home improvements can people make to their homes which will save them money in the future and help the environment?
Choose solar panels
One way to reduce your energy consumption and save yourself money in the long term is by opting for solar panels. Solar energy is a truly renewable energy source that can be used every day all over the world – and we will never run out of it. Solar panels also help to reduce electricity bills, as you will be receiving some of your energy needs with the electricity generated by the solar system.
Invest in new windows
Getting more natural light in your home also boasts many benefits. Not only is extra daylight good for our mental health and wellbeing but investing in the likes of double-glazing can increase heat retention, helping to save on bills. VELUX windows and sun tunnels can help to cut down your outgoings, and make a room feel so much lighter and airier.
Upgrade water heating system
Inefficient boilers can be a massive drain on your energy bills. Plus, they are terrible for your carbon emissions. Boilers are rated on a scale of A to G – with A being the most efficient – so if you have a boiler that is rated at the lower end of the scale, it could be time that you considered upgrading it.
Tankless water heaters or efficient boilers can save a significant amount of money in the long term – and they are much more environmentally friendly.
Reduce your water consumption
Have you checked for any leaks in your home recently? If not, it could be time to, because they could be contributing to a lot of water waste. If you’d like to get serious about saving water, it’s worth your while to invest in taps, shower heads and toilets that use less of it. Ensure that you’re not leaving the tap running when you’re brushing your teeth or leaving the shower the heat up for an excessive amount of time.
Investing in eco-friendly home improvements has the double benefit of saving you money in the future and helping to combat climate change.