Construction has its own set of challenges, from tight deadlines to limited space and budget constraints. This can make the planning phase especially tricky. Reduce the impact of these challenges and make your project as eco-friendly as possible by following these tips. Here are a few ways to reduce construction waste.
Organise Your Construction Site
Organising your construction site is the first step to being eco-friendly. It’s important to keep in mind that a lot of the debris from construction sites will end up in landfills. To make sure your site doesn’t have any messy surprises, make sure you have everything organised by the time you start building. If you are using a contractor, make sure they are organising their work areas as well, so there aren’t any expensive surprises for you either.
Store Your Materials Properly
The first step to reducing construction waste is proper storage. This can be tricky, as it usually comes down to logistics and space. Inventory your materials and determine what needs to be stored off-site. Be sure to store materials in the right type of containers, as you’ll reduce the likelihood of damaged materials needing to be wasted.
Utilise Recycled Materials
Construction waste is a major issue. From discarded construction materials to unused landscaping, there are many items that end up in landfills. One way to reduce this impact is to use recycled materials. For example, you could utilise recycled aggregates. One of the most important components of construction is aggregates, which are crushed stone and gravel that are used in concrete mixes. This material often comes from quarries, which can be environmentally destructive. However, you can reduce your environmental impact and increase sustainability by using aggregates that are sourced from a construction waste recycling company, like OCL Regeneration Ltd. For more information on how you can reduce your environmental impact during a construction project, check out their website and their construction waste recycling solutions.
Re-Use Your Salvageable Materials
One of the biggest contributors to landfill waste is construction material that could otherwise be re-used. Salvageable materials can include doors, trim, cabinets, and lumber. These items are often damaged in a move, but they can be repaired or used as flooring or other design elements. To find possible salvageable materials, take a walk around your new construction site with a contractor and watch for potential treasure troves of usable building materials that would otherwise go to waste. Additionally, at the end of a project, take a few minutes to go through your inventory for potential re-use. You might be surprised at how much material you can find.
It’s common knowledge that construction creates a lot of waste. But by following a few simple eco-friendly tips, you can reduce the environmental impact of your construction project and save money. Organising your site, organising your materials, and re-using salvageable materials are all key steps in reducing waste. We hope these tips help your project be as sustainable as possible.